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It's hardly petty. The vast majority of messageboarders hate when people type in ridiculous manners (all bold, all caps, some caps some not, lots of exclamation points, teeniespeak, l337, etc). And for good reason - because it's stupid.

What is the point? To draw attention to yourself? Try being INTELLIGENT and come up with creative titles that interest the person.

To be different? If "being different" means "looking like a dumbass", I'd rather follow the crowd, then.

Seriously, there's nothing smart, cool, intelligent, pretty, etc, WHATEVER about it. It's annoying and it makes you look like an idiot. Period.


As for the topic, it's interesting. Last year, Nintendo needed the best E3 by far. No doubt about that. Now, they could completely forego E3 and they'd still probably pull out way ahead of the competition. They don't really need to worry about E3 at all.

I'd say that Microsoft needs the best E3. They're doing better than Sony right now, but at the same time, Sony's catching up. Quickly. I'm positive that the PS3 will end up beating the 360 by the end of this generation. Sony's not doing much worse with the PS3 at this point in the game than Microsoft was with the 360 (numbers-wise), and their system IS higher quality. Not only that, but they've not really had any significant hardware issues, and we all know the 360's problems.

Personally, I like the 360 better than the PS3, but I really think the PS3 will take off ahead of the 360 eventually.

I doubt either of them even have a chance against the Wii, though. People say, "OMG BUT WATE 4 DA PS3/360 PRYS CUT."

Nintendo can price cut, too. I think new Wii systems will be down to $99.99 by the end of this generation - with the cheapest new PS3 being $350 (20gig), and the cheapest new 360 being $200 (core system).

Anyhow, Microsoft will have the highest need for a great E3, but they'll compete (as they did last year) with Nintendo for who actually HAS the best E3. Sony's E3 will be weak.
