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Genos8 said:
JRPGfan said:

Okay this is stupid levels of prediction here.
I get your obviously not a Sony fan, but this is just extreme.

PS4 is still 299$ officially (and they went back up to that price really early in december, which is why its dec was down abit compaired to last years).
With official price cuts (249$ or 199$) and "God of War" "Spiderman" "detroit become human"...... theres no reason to think it ll go from 20.2m -> less than 13m.

My thinking is 2018 is a 18m year at worst, at best it might even be another 20m year.

You are acting as if this is entirely on sony's hands and overestimating effects of price cuts this late. Price certainly helps but at this point in a system's life, it's more about slowing down a decline.

If anything there's signs of the opposite of a decline so your theory that it's sales for 2018 will drop to around 13m just sounds like wishful thinking rather than a prediction based on analysis.