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Pemalite said:
Mr Puggsly said:

Okay, I underlined your comments that are straw man arguments.

Except they aren't straw man arguments... A straw man argument is actually an informal fallacy where you give the impression that you are refuting your opponents argument when you are actually refuting an argument not presented by your opponent.

You brought up console power not I, thus it is not a straw man argument.

Mr Puggsly said:

I mentioned GPU because I'm stressing not everybody that is a PC gamer has a gaming rig capable of playing technically demand X1 content. Steam stats does actually reflect that.

You miss the point. It doesn't matter how powerful a PC is. - As long as it can play all of a users games, power is thus irrelevant, you brought up the power argument to begin with... And even if we were to account for that, there are more PC's on Steam that exceed the Xbox One's hardware anyway, that's a fact you just need to come to grips with.

Besides, not all consoles can play the same degree of technically demanding Xbox One content, does the Switch, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, 3DS, Vita ring a bell?

And answer me this... How does a small portion of PC's with specifications worst than the Xbox One have any freaking relevance to any of this?

Mr Puggsly said:

Sony was a beast during the 6th gen and Gamecube and Xbox couldn't compete. The 360 had an edge in the 7th gen because Sony made mistakes and Wii was interesting. 360 shared a lot of games with PC and did great. Even with X1 now, we aren't seeing any impact of sharing games with PC. So your argument just doesn't have validity, primarily because there are other factors that impact console sales more than sharing games with PC.

Microsoft also made mistakes in the 7th gen, massive ones. Red Ring of Death ring a bell? Paid online perhaps? Those were all contention points.
Microsoft had the right games at the right time during the 7th gen, which accounted for those issues.

The 360 did share allot of games with the PC and I agree with you there, but it also had a ton of games that weren't on PC.
* Fable 2.
* Kameo.
* Perfect Dark.
* Banjo Kazooi nuts and bolts.
* Halo Anniversary .
* Halo 3.
* Halo: Reach.
* Halo: ODST.
* Halo 4.
* Forza Motorsport 2,3 and 4.
* Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and The Broken Bond.
* Infinite Undiscovery.
* Blue Dragon.
* Lost Odyssey.
* Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4.
* Saints Row.
* Too Human.
* Viva Pinata.

And I am sure I missed a few, so my argument does have validity. I just listed it.

Mr Puggsly said:

I agree GTAV obliterated all other game in the series, but that's not the point. People still buy the older GTA games because they're still very different experiences in regard to story and city, but have similar core gameplay.

People buy older games period. Their sales rate does decline after the initial release.

Mr Puggsly said:

For the most part, MCC's online works fine now and that's why its an active online game. Due to that activity patches to further improve MCC are coming. Frankly, kudos to MS for even putting resources into it as most games don't get this treatment years later.

There is very little population in Oceania, thus the online is rubbish.

And I agree, Kudos to Microsoft for putting more resources fixing up it's issues and making an Xbox One X enhanced version, years after release and condemnation. - More companies *cough*EA*cough* should take note.

Mr Puggsly said:

All the online content in MCC is free so what else could they give free other than offline content? But hey, its something.

...Umm. What? I meant they gave a free single player campaign whilst the online was going through the ringer, rather than say Reach's Multiplayer or something which no one would have been able to play anyway.

Mr Puggsly said:

Again, Halo 5 is an above average game. Maybe you don't hold in high regard compared to the rest of the series, but still above average.


Mr Puggsly said:

I'm not sure why you mention PC when I talk about X1 BC. Some of the notable content on X1 BC isn't even on PC.

Because the PC has backwards compatibility. - Outside of hardware based approaches (PS2 and early PS3's) the PC has the best track record of backwards compatibility.
Of course, Microsoft's efforts are formidable... But we shouldn't be under any disillusions that they will ever be able to achieve backwards compatibility with the majority of the original Xbox and Xbox 360's game library, it's simply never going to happen.

Mr Puggsly said:

We don't really know how much money MS has invested in games and also bear in mind a few were cancelled. In pure quanity, I don't think Sony is releasing much more content than MS. Maybe you're confusing 3rd party exclusives with Sony content.

Microsoft has made prior statements where they stated they were investing $1 billion smacko's in games, but hasn't made any commitments to a similar degree in recent times. 2017 is just evidence of the fact that they had a gaping hole in their development teams, resources and investment commitment.

Also, exclusives are exclusives. Doesn't really matter if they come from a 3rd or 1st party.

Mr Puggsly said:

Nobody is asking you to justify your X1X purchase. We just don't believe you're being genuine.

Except you are by rubbishing my decision to purchase an Xbox One X, thus you are essentially trying to force my hand in justifying my purchasing decision.
But guess what? I don't care.

Mr Puggsly said:

You bought an X1X knowing what it had coming, you complain anyway and act surprised you don't use it much.

If the Xbox One X had anything coming, there wouldn't be anything to complain about. ;)
Well. Except that it's stuck at a 1080P resolution on my display so the image looks soft and terrible.

Mr Puggsly said:

We just don't buy your BS, you bought an X1X to complain and for attention. This is what I believe atleast because nothing else makes sense.

I don't care if you buy it or not, that is your problem not mine.
And even if I did buy an Xbox One X "to complain and for attention" - Who gives a flying shit? The reason why I bought the console is not only none of your business, it's not your concern.
And it doesn't make my complaints any less valid than anyone elses who has also purchased the machine.

You need to learn to take some constructive criticism and stop trying to turn this into something personal, because I really don't give a crap about your personal dilemma.

The Xbox One X has no exclusives, it only outputs at a pathetic 1080P on my display. Those are real valid complaints and your whinging won't change that.

Mr Puggsly said:

I played through MCC post patches and didn't have any black screen crashes, I don't even recall crashes. I do recall crashes pre patches though, especially in Halo 4. Hence, I judge MCC by where its at now which is much better than launch.

Just because you didn't experience them doesn't mean others have not.
Unless you are going to start delving into some Schrodinger cat kind of thought experiment stuff, I assume you have an understanding of quantum mechanics even at a basic level if that's the case? :P


Your responses can often make assumptions I wasn't making, or you just bring up something else that's irrelevant. Frankly, you do it so often I'm not sure why I didn't call out your straw man arguments before. And we continue to see it here...

I mentioned GPU because that has a lot to do with your PC gaming options. Hence, being a PC gamers doesent mean you have a rig cabable of playing all Xbox content. People who want to play modern games but dont want to upgrade will often buy a console. Amazing you miss that point and I keep explaining it.

Straw man, I didnt argue MS didnt make mistakes during the 7th gen. Sony however made bigger ones that allowed Xbox to thrive. This is a fact.

I agree 360 had more true exclusives than X1. But 360 thrived primarily due to mistakes Sony made with PS3, not so much true exclusives. I mean the 360 couldnt have done as well as it did without Sony dropping the ball with PS3. Meanwhile, X1 hasnt declined from sharing games with PC, sales have been steady. The X1 had a bad launch, that hurt X1 more than sharing games with PC ever has. Hence, you neglect the major mistakes and just focus on PC getting Xbox games.

You miss the point again. You can find all the GTA titles because the successors didnt just make predecessors obsolete. FH2 is the same, its a unique product and not obsolete to FH3. Inferior maybe, but not obsolete. FH2 isn't just an update like Forza 7, there is original content in FH2 that makes it worth playing as well.

You're blaming MCC for the part of the world you live. That's a personal problem.

The ODST campaign came to MCC when much of the online problems were addressed. Adding Reach would have been nice, maybe it will happen eventually. Maybe! That would be a good way to reboot MCC.

Straw man, I said BC adds value to X1, which is fact. But you're arguing something else.

They might have spent a billion on games since 2013. Think about EVERY release since then, games currently in development, games cancelled, marketing for those games, perhaps exclusive deals, etc.

Straw man, you said MS doesent invest as much into 1st party as Sony. I argued their output of games probably about the same. But now you're boasting about 3rd party exclusives which is primarily Japanese games. Those arent Sony's investments nor published by Sony, those primarily happen because Xbox isn't relevant in Japan and you'll see some of that Japanese support moving to Switch.

You knew what X1 had coming and you knew you would play that content elsewhere. Thats why your X1X purchase makes no sense. Again, you actually argue your X1X purchase was dumb and we simply agree with you.

Go buy a 4K TV already. If you had the money for an X1 then I bet you can afford a 4K TV. I mean why settle with a blurry 1440p monitor? If you're stuck with 1080p because your monitor, too bad. That's your problem for having the wrong display and we dont care.

I'm telling you MCC crashing will vary between pre and post patches. MCC went from disaster to staple thanks to patches.

Last edited by Mr Puggsly - on 13 January 2018

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