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Eagle367 said:
roadkillers said:

Opinion on this quote by CS Lewis?

My take is isn't that true for any religion? I won't go to the extreme of no importance but only death can tell us which was right I'm sorry but I believe in an omnipotent omniscient omnipresent and everything God not an old man in the sky and if he doesn't wanna be found ain't nothing we can do to find evidence of his existence. So if any religion is right than we will know or not know since if atheists are right there will be nothingness and if Hindus are right we will reincarnate until we get to nirvana. If Muslims are right we will be in the in-between until the day of judgement and so on and so forth with Christianity Judaism Buddhism Japanese religions etc etc etc. That is why I believe and I don't know. Anyone who says science can disprove God or prove Him is mistaken it'd be like mario figuring out shigeru miyamoto is his creator and he is just in a video game but so much more difficult since miyamoto is a human not an ever present ever lasting all powerful entity who exists outside the realms of any universe and is bound by no physical laws

What you wrote here is just beautiful. This is the most PERFECT view of God I have read. In many ways I have always thought the same except you have made an incredible example of this. It's brilliant, actually. I love the whole mario/shigeru comparison...shigeru is like the god.

I agree, God is so far beyond what we can possibly's somewhere we can NEVER access. And, even in death, we will never just IS. I have always viewed it as: it is not meant to be explained and this will be a mystery until the end of time. Pointless to even discuss, really. A waste of time when you could can spend it more wisely by just enjoying the people you love that are around you or cherishing every waking second you have on this beautiful earth. Life life like tomorrow is your last. Carpe Diem - sieze the day!