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I'll transfer my post from another thread here, as it makes a hell of a lot more sense here:

Actually, I have to say I'm pretty disappointed at online. I bought Strikers mostly because of it, and either: a) no sane person has bought the game yet and/or plays at the same time as I do, b) the match making is trully awful and/or idiots purposely create fresh accounts to trick it and "pwn newbs", or finally and most likely d) I suck pretty bad at it. Cause I just can't seem able to win any online matches at all, although I'm pretty much half-way through the single player mode already (championship and challenges). Another disappointment like that, and I guess I'll skip online for good unless it's to play with known friends.
That was it, so I think can see the appeal of online... good gamers can only find a real challenge online, yadayada. But unless more average gamers start picking it up, and it gets less frustrating for them, it sure isn't for everyone, not even for the majority of gamers. I mean, I felt moderately proud of having just wiped the 96 levels of Super Mario World; next game I pick up, it seems I'm a total failure... at online. Online with know friends that's a different story, and great if you're apart.

Reality has a Nintendo bias.