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WolfpackN64 said:

You keep claiming people here are misguided on what science is. We all know. What I'm criticising is how narrowmindedly you interpret the use of science. And of course science itself is not knowledge. Because knowledge can be gathered in realms outside science, ie. philosophy and religion. Knowledge itself is all-encompassing and science is a part of that, but you turned the whole notion upside down.

What you seem to care about is the ideal of science. So far you've just deflected the notion of applied science alltogether.

Philosophy and religion? Really? Please give me a principle that comes from religion that can be verified through methodology and experimentation? Jesus walking on water? Sorry, people who cares about knowledge have tried it and it does not work and it does not work because it is impossible, it violates the laws of physics, you know the REAL laws that govern the REAL universe. You can say I'm wrong all you want but until you manage to walk on water and prove the laws of physics to be wrong, you have no ground to stand on (sorry for the pun)

So until you prove a principle that come from religion as it being a fact, such principle is not established and cannot be accepted as factual knowledge, it's part of human culture but it is not real as in what science describes as real.

As for philosophy, there is a kind of wisdom in philosophy because it allows us to think over matters and ideas but until such ideas translate into scientific reality, those thoughts are only abstract and speculative. In other words I definitely place philosophy above religion but it is not as objective as pure science. It's not meant to be as objective of course and one could argue it is complementary but you will not manage to power the internet or a space rocket with philosophy.

Anyway we are digressing, the issue of this thread is a comparison between science and religion and which is a bigger threat to mankind and I've already explained that science is not a threat to mankind, that those who threaten mankind with bombs and guns and all that stuff, do so in the name of religion or politics or money but not in the name of science. This should be obvious but sadly this thread demonstrates it's not. And honestly those who think science is this big bad thing not better than religion and threatening mankind, should log off the net, throw away their cell phones, TV's and computers and everything else made by science and go live in the forest or something cause it's very hypocritical to spit on science and at the same time use it every day.