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SpokenTruth said:
epicurean said:

No, no, no, no, no. 


There is nothing factually true about that statement though.  Paul's letters claiming divinity were written, like, a decade after Christ died and that claimed divinity. And they referenced creeds (that are still used today) that talked about his divinity. This "theory" that was spread by the Dan Brown novel (movie) is not based in fact.

(Sorry to go on a rant. But anyone - scientists and archaeologists included - who look at the facts of this do not agree with it).

I just wanted to see how fast someone jumped on that.   The only thing I do believe in that is that we simply don't know.  The only evidence the theologists have are the scriptures they kept that tout divinity.  My question is simply why were there previously accepted scripture which did not tout his divinity? The apocrypha and gnostic texts certainly make one wonder. Who decided a scripture author was recording the word of God?

I guess I took the bait. :)

But good question and something I've tried to read up on, but need to read more on. I could give a semi-coherent answer, but one that would probably be picked apart (and rightfully so), so I'll just admit it's a good question for now. :)

(If you really want to dive into it I can try and explain, but I don't know enough, or can't explain it well enough, to convince anyone)

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS