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So that dropped ever so slightly for me.

The good stuff:

The acting is quite good. Norton, Hurt, and Roth are some of the best in the business, and they perform admirably. The action direction is really good. Leterrier can film a kinetic fight scene, that’s for sure. The romance is believable, which is rare for these movies. Betty and Bruce really seem to have a history, and Norton and Tyler really sparkle on camera.

The not-so-good stuff:

The pacing and content is a little off. There are so many scenes of people looking at computer screens or watching monitors — it just doesn’t make for interesting moviemaking. Some of the sub-plots are a little underdeveloped. Would have liked to see some of that familial strife pan out, or Roth’s super-soldier storyline evolve into something more interesting than dollar-store Doomsday

Overall, a decent superhero flick, with convincing performances from its leads and solid action photography.
