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My two cents.

I think for a matter like this to be taken seriously there should be a feeling of oppression first. A sense of unequality. Like a threat to males' freedom. Which is not the case, simply. At all.

There had been several occasions in my life where I encountered a situation when I as a man had been disadvantaged. My favorite pub had a Lady's Night every wednesday evening where all girls paid half for certain drinks, if I remember correctly. Y'all probably know similar scenarios. <s> And boy, how much did I feel oppressed and disadvanteged by that, you wouldn't believe it! I needed to sit in a corner and cry like a baby first before I stopped giving a fuck! </s> I didn't mind, honestly.I felt like I had much more important issues to deal with. Like, dealing with school, study, jobs, girlfriends, and stuff like that. Life, you know.

I had to do public service when I finished school. Either military oder social service. Only men had to do this back then (!), and ALL men had to (there were a few exceptions but they are not necessary in this picture), nowaydays these services are both voluntary and open to females as well. Well, I chose military service. That's nine months that my female school graduates had a headstart into their career. Have I been mad about it? No, I didn't give a fuck.

'Girl's Only'-activities are not only absolutely okay, they should not be disturbed at all! Girls need them, they enjoy spending some time among themselves.

I used to go clubbing with some friends and one of the ladys was blessed with good looks. So every time she was the target of hordes of men trying to flirt with her. Which is a nice thing, of course, but it gets annyoing after a while. A little attention is sweet but being approached too many times becomes exhausting after a while, she said. And she is right. Who could blame her, flirting wasn't her intention. All other girls where approached too, but not as frequent as her (side note: whitnessing other men trying to flirt with girls is HILARIOUS xD). So girls need some freedom sometimes where they don't feel like they are men's targets. Also, girls love to be around each other because that's when they can talk freely about boys and stuff. They do that, and they like it. 

On a flip note, men also love to hang out with each other. We enjoy spending time among us, watching sports and drink some beer, talk shit and scratch our balls. Now imagine ONE girl among a pack of men: the whole mood changes instantly! The conversations change, the amount of drinks change, and not too rarely even body postures. We don't want women to see us behaving like Neanderthalers. It's a secet to everybody, okay?

Now back to topic. This idiot that OP talks about should lose the right to exercise his job, honestly. He sounds like the little brother who got kicked out of the sisters' room when she had some friends invited in but he wants to know what they're talking about. If this dumbfuck is consequent, he should also fight against bachelor parties. But he won't, because they are fantastic and he knows it. I only experienced one so far, but it was the best night I ever had. So if this moron actually starts fighting against bachelor parties, because that would only be logical and consequent, I will personally fly over and kick his nuts. Someone's gotta do it.

Last edited by GoOnKid - on 05 January 2018