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Ryng_Tolu said:

Sooooooooooo, looks like Abdiel, the insidiers from Best Buy, which usually tend to overestimate PS4 performance a bit (in comparation to what NPD numbers usually are), said that even on best buy Switch had a better month than PS4.

There are no doubts anymore.

Benji, Abdiel, and Amazon, all points about a Switch victory for the month of December.

I think I'll ignore Benji going forward, he's as they say in olden England, full of piss and vinegar... he states one thing, then gets more data then swiftly makes predictions that basically cover every base....

Thing is though as I've always said don't take everything I say and extrapolate it as being fact for the market. More just a nice data point to factor in. PS4 could come out on top if it sold strongly in areas I have no information for. Still the 1.4 million would put Switch number 1 with my line of thinking so I'm not changing my stance on believing that is how it shakes out. But yeah could be a bit closer than I originally expected

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!