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Just a telling on how Star Wars fans have taken this movie.

2 years ago I was at the same New Years party with the same people there as was this year. That years, I bet 90% of our conversations were about the movie. Many saw it multiple times. It was actually at this party that I started to notice the flaws of the movie. It was a sort of running joke that we would complain about something and then follow it up with 'but the movie was awesome' You know like saying it made no sense that Rae could do this or that, or it was a clone of ANH, ect and then go "but the movie was awesome" and laugh.

This year, I have no idea if any of them even saw the new movie. No one mentioned it at all.

Heck, my brother was nagging me for weeks before release on when we should go. We didn't go opening weekend and he has not said anything since. He has yet to see it, I know that much. The reviews are spectacular. 90%+ right? Where is word of mouth? Nowhere. When other insane huge movies come out and set the world on fire, its in all conversations. Everyone was talking about Avengers, everyone was talking about Hunger Games, everyone talking about The Force Awakens, everyone talking about Avatar. No one is talking about the Last Jedi. It's not making it into everyday conversations with everyday people.