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Simpleton said:
KLAMarine said:

There's been considerable backlash against TLJ and one has to wonder if not for the backlash, how much higher might the box office sales have been?

Sure the film could be a success and have made back its production and marketing costs but could the backlash affect Episode 9's performance and the performance of spin-offs? How about merchandise sales?

Has the Star Wars brand been hurt by the backlash?


Even if all endeavors are profitable, this doesn't mean all is well. It's not every year a mainline SW film is released. I highly doubt Disney's gonna try to do-over episode 8's production and release in hopes of reducing backlash, raising the amount of tickets sold, and generating excitement for the coming sequel. Pissed off viewers are less likely to consume other and future SW content. Pissed viewers are less likely to watch the film again.


You don't get a second chance at a first impression. Opportunity is there to be seized but if it isn't seized, it's lost.

The prequels got lots of backlash and TFA ended up with 2 billion dollars.

And is TLJ on track to end up with 2 billion?

Simpleton said:

Star Wars fans always flock to the next movie when that shiny, exciting trailer pops up.

Not always in as high numbers as possible: Clone Wars disappointed at the box office last I checked.