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I've just seen Iron Man, and my opinion is pretty much the same since I first watched it. It's one of the best MCU movies and a great way to start the franchise. Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man was a brilliant choice, and his character is full of charisma. The film has decent dialogue (though formulaic at parts), and the character work is good for the most part. I'm not the biggest fan of the evil guy (actually, I think this complaint is common for almost every MCU movie, so I expect to say this a lot xD), but I like his motivations, which are basically being a greedy bastard who profits on wars and conflict. Also, Tony Stark's character development from being a, basically, rich asshole to being a rich asshole (lol) but with morale is pretty well done.

With decimals it'd be a 8.6/10. Let's give it a 9/10 then ;).

Now, let's go into Hulk, which is probably the worst score I'll give to any MCU movie xD.