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Nice idea/thread (been away for Chrimbo, not been here much). Can I join in? (Did watch it recently, it was on Film 4 not long ago).

Iron Man

This film had something going for it that most the others didn't. Lack of connection to the extended universe (from here on known as the 'bogging down' in all my other posts). Characters were less defined and could be fleshed out without too much hinderance. It told Ironman's origin as best it could while modernising him plus use of a good Ironman story/plot and the main villain (Stane) was a nice idea. Infact the plot works on some great levels in regards to the original plot of the comic, including some significant plot points and even lines taken direct from the comic even if it was basically summarised into a 2 hour film. Although, Tony's alcoholism will likely never be mentioned in this or his other films being the poster boy for the MCU (can't have flaws in his character now can we?) but overall, I enjoyed it. It was a good sign of things to come.


Hmm, pie.