quickrick said:
Like i said 1 million for xbox and ps4 was a giving, you would have to be insane no to think they would clear a million, especially with those deals and the X launch. i just think somebody with numbers, would be able to say ps4 wins comfortably over switch, when it out sold switch by 850k. instead he was saying he's not sure, and it has a realistic chance to win. that makes it seem switch did much much closer then reality. this month it's different if switch wins, he gave good valuable info, especially if it wins by a good a mount. |
Why should December be different? he said the same thing of November.
He is saying that according to his info, Switch should win, by a good margin. However, he also said that is intere possible for PS4 or XB1 to win the month. Just like he did in November.
So if let's say Switch sells 2 million and PS4 1 million, i could just say as well "but if Switch outsold PS4 by 1 million then why did he said PS4 had a chance? he should have knew Switch was gonna win anyway"
His point is that he know a percent of marketshare, not all the market NPD track, so he never can't be 100% of something.