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mZuzek said:
pikashoe said:

I don't really care if someone likes or dislikes a movie.  all i ask is that people display the issues with a film in a intelligent manner. A vast majority of the issues brought up here are untrue, nitpicky, exaggeration, or can be applied to the original trilogy. If most of this stuff was brought up with people involved with film making or critiscm, you'd be laughed out of the place. You dont have to like a film to appreciate its quality.

I don't personally like the godfather part 2 that much but I can still appreciate that it is a great film. Or I enjoy the room a great deal but I still am aware that it is terribly made.

You can dislike this film and that's fine it may have just not engaged you, but objectively its hard to deny that it's at least an ok film. People throwing around words like terrible and worst star wars ever aren't adding much to the conversation because it just comes across as silly exaggeration. 

Yet there have been many who've made fair and thoughtful criticisms, so when you generalize everyone based on only a few, it doesn't come across very well. I wouldn't say it's necessarily an "ok" film objectively, I think it's a film with some really jarring flaws and some really standout strengths, and that's not something you can just average into an "ok" rating or something. It's inevitable that some will focus on the flaws and some will focus on the strengths, because the movie lends itself to that.

I never at any point said everyone. I used words like 'most' and 'a lot'. I did for the specific reason that I wouldn't be accused of generalizing everyone because of course a few people actually do have some genuine issues.. Outside of some pacing issues and some comedic moments that didn't land there aren't any huge movie ruining flaws here. You may personally not like some of the directions it takes but there isn't much inherently wrong with them.