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Lucas-Rio said:
Soundwave said:

Star Wars prequels are kiddie cartoony shit with the worst acting I have ever seen in a modern blockbuster series. Natalie Portman and Samuel L. Jackson are hilariously wooden in particular. These are not live action movies aside from maybe the last 45 minutes of ROTS ... they are cartoons. I can't take them seriously. Also "yeah but the cool stuff is in the Clone Wars cartoon!" ... is a lame excuse, what the hell are these three movies for then (particularily the first two?). Nothing but character introductions. 

Pirates movies are a trainwreck, I still don't know the plot of any of those films, just druken Johnny Depp making fun quips and piratey atmosphere. 

Jurassic World was TFA, but not as good. The other two Jurassic Park sequels are mediocre duds. 

Hobbit films are quite boring, by the end it was so painfully obvious they had stretched a 3 hour story into three movies just to milk it for money. 

The Matrix, the first one is great, and belongs in the tier with Star Wars OT, LOTR. Too bad the sequels were crap. 

Marvel has made some solid films (Iron Man 1, Doctor Strange, Guardians of the Galaxy), but the current Star Wars are a clear step beyond. I mean they're Marvel films. What the fuck do you want? Some kind of life lesson from a Thor movie? 

I'd say the X-Men series is about the same tier as the SW sequels. X1 is a decent movie, X2 is very good, X3 is terrible, X1 First Class is solid, X2 Days Of Convoluted Titles is solid, but the last one kinda sucked.

I totally disagree with you. The prequels are not just action movie, that's why you get lost. They are certainly not cartoon. They are scifi movies that are way deeper than SW7 and 8 and considerably expand the universe. The story is great and very well told , it's very political and about the end of democracy and the rise of the empire alongside the fall of the previous order, by the manipulation of Sidious who in fact rule both the republic and the separatists. It's way deeper than the Disney TV show. ROTS is the darkest Star Wars by a huge margin. SW8 looks like a child book in comparison.

The Padme love story was badly made and the acting was not always perfect , I will give you that.

Matrix is in another league, great serie.

I don't like Marvel at all,  these are boring and useless super heros movies, waste of space. Nolan's Batman was much much better.  Pirate of the Carribean, especially the fist, was very fun at least.

Holy shit, are you really saying the prequels are great, deep and mature movies with a very well told story? Holy mother of GOD, if this is your level then everything you have said in this thread suddlenly makes a lot of sense. Even George Lucas would laugh about your statement, episode 1 and 2 are horrible in almost every possible way and they are WAY more childish than any other movie in the franchise, specially the first one. The third one is the only one acceptable from a narrative pov and still it has terrible acting, embarrasing moments, poor writting and a very questionable direction and cinematography. 

And how can Matrix be a great serie when only one of them is good? Matrix 2 and 3 are pretty crappy and not in a subtle way.

Last edited by Goodnightmoon - on 30 December 2017