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ironmanDX said:
I liked it, for the most part. Mostly because I don't believe things that the movie is trying to tell me are true.

Snoke isn't dead. He was just projecting himself through the force. Now, I know what you're going to say. How did the lighsaber cut through him? The same way Luke touched Leia. The same way Kylo picked up his father's dice. He also looked considerably younger and healthier in TLJ than his he looked in TFA. Why? I just can't see a major character being killed off with no explanation.

Rey's parentage I also don't believe. I think it was a tactic by Kylo Ren to push her towards the dark side while watching her friends and allies dying. Not too different to the emperors tactics that almost worked against Luke in ROTJ.

That half hour casino bullshit can fuck right off though. CGI animal cruelty? Fuck off.

It's also the second movie in a trilogy. I don't get why people are looking for answers to everything or a resolution.... There was definitely a lack of explanation for some things though.

Unless they try to really fix the problems with TLJ, which would lead to a very messy film, or just ignore TLJ, which also could be messy, I wouldn't really count on any of that.

For the Snoke bit, are you thinking he was in the next room snickering, while continuing to project his dead "body."  Even for Hux and Kylo to see 1/2 hour later when Kylo woke up after getting knocked out?  Seems a little childish for the ultimate bad guy.  Really, I would just except that they killed off what could have been a good villain with no explanation.

For Rey's parents, it doesn't really matter.  She's a Mary Sue, that's how come she's so powerful.  I mean she can lift a huge pile of boulders with absolutely no training.  No lineage can explain that.  They were going for the "anyone can be a Jedi."  The reason they had the Force sensitive kid at the end, as well.  And while that is canon, those Jedi still have to train for months/years to pull off the things she can do in days/weeks.  Now, having it in your bloodline does make you more prone to being Force sensitive, so having the most powerful Jedi, who can do this all with no training, be a nobody is just a big letdown.  As well as continuing to have her gain more power just by existing, instead of actually spending some time on the island training with Luke.

And don't even think she can be tempted to the Dark Side.  Not MaRey Sue.  She can look it straight in the eye, delve deep within it, and not be tempted at all.  Hence the reason Kylo's offer is pretty much immediately turned down, even though they tried to hint at maybe she could turn.  But, I knew better.  The next movie will just end with Rey fighting Kylo.  You can see it coming, just like you could see Snoke's death coming as soon as he started talking in that scene.

And the reason people are looking for answer's is because TFA set up so many questions.  Really, some of them should have been answered there.  But, many fans were willing to give it a pass because they figured the next film would not only answer some questions, but the answers to those questions would have been epic and/or meaningful.  Kinda like the rest of SW.  This movie did not even touch on some things, while it made others worse by having the answers be meaningless.