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PS4 its has gimmicks. PSVR and PS Vue are huge new additions to consoles this gen, either outside of the gaming space, or outside of traditional gaming. PS Vue is doing huge things in the US, and Sony has added support for similar services from 3rd parties in many regions. PSVR is just getting up and moving, and I think it will do big things over the next couple of years.

Also, PS4 brought Sharing to consoles this gen. People are streaming their gameplay, and uploading pics/videos like crazy with the capture tools built right into the system.

You now also have the ability to play multiplayer with friends even if they don't have the game. This has been a huge feature for many people I talk to, especially those that play a lot of sports games.

PS4 offers a lot of new options that were not possible last gen, and those options cover a wide variety of gamers. So, I guess you are right. PS4 is the first console to sell like this without a single Fad. PS4 has multiple Fads, and together they are helping it sell as it is.

Also, expect more Fads/Gimmicks.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams