bdbdbd said:
Mandalore76 said:
I wasn't speaking to the "asymmetric gameplay" factor. I was referring to that being the jumping off point of merging console and handheld into a single platform. The Super Gameboy and Gameboy Player allowed you to play your handheld games on your tv through your console. But, connecting the Gameboy Advance to the GameCube through the link cable blurred that line between console and handheld for the first time. It was asymmetric at the time, because the console power aspect couldn't be replicated on the go yet.
And, I was also speaking to Nintendo's dedication to local co-op and keeping gamers playing and experiencing games together in person.
And, yes, there are times where ideas are developed before the technology exists to replicate it. Especially when there is a need to keep price of a product low enough to maintain consumer interest. Sometimes you have to make a choice between cutting edge tech that would price yourself into a niche market, or delivering something more cost effective that doesn't fully convey the idea you wanted to deliver. There are pros and cons of each strategy. But, as cost of technology decreases over time, yes you can revisit those old ideas and put out a better product that more fully realizes the potential of your original vision.
It did not blur the line the slightest. I could understand the argument IF you had been able to play GBA games on a TV and a GC controller with the link cable,
Yeah, it is the product that is bad if you can't make it work with the existing tech. Just because you have a vision of a product that can't be done doesn't make you a genious. I have vision of, say Star Trek warp drive, but apparently I'm just ahead of my time, so I make a crappy rocket that works on propulsion to be fired on the sky on a new year's eve. Am I a genious who's just ahead of my time, or do I just make shitty fireworks? It's one thing to have a vision and wait for the tech to be there, than release something half-assed that has no real change to succeed.
You could play GBA games on a TV and GC Controller with the Gameboy Player which I mentioned.
As for the rest of post, the following quote comes to mind:
“We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery”