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Puppyroach said:
Cerebralbore101 said:

The problem with this is in the OG trilogy we didn't know how the Empire formed. All we knew was that Vader helped to hunt down and kill all the Jedi. These two were survivors because they hid. They didn't hide out of shame, or giving up. They hid, because they didn't stand a chance against Vader + The Empire. They were biding their time, until an opportunity arose for them to do something worthwhile instead of dying in vain. Luke was that opportunity. Living as hermits on backwater planets these two likely had no way of knowing there was an active rebellion until it arrived on their doorstep. 

Most importantly This meme only works if we take it in the context of the prequel movies, and not in the context of the original films. 

Except, instead of going out to find jedis to train, they hid in backwater planets. You didn´t need the prequels to see that. I think those memes are perfect, and I would say Lukes situation is far worse than Obi Wans or Yodas since it was his own nephew that he felt he betrayed. If he would have just started fighting Kylo, it would actually made him an asshole.

If they would have gone out to find Jedi to train, they would have been caught and killed. Remember the OG trilogy never spelled out exactly how the Republic fell, or exactly how the Clone Wars went down, or exactly how Vader hunted down all the Jedi. As an audience (watching the films before the prequel movies came out) we have no clue what happened, and this lack of information means we can't really judge Yoda or Obi Wan. On the flip side we know exactly what happened with Luke, so we are left in the perfect position to judge him. 

I don't think people really grasp how much the prequel movies messed up the Star Wars canon. Before those movies, Vader, Obi Wan, Yoda, and Palpatine were thought to have been over 100 years old, with the force keeping them alive. Uncle Owen was understood to have been in his 70's, and a much younger half brother to Vader (or perhaps not even truly related). The rise of the Empire was so catastrophic that virtually all history before the rise of the Empire was lost. This is why Han Solo calls the Force a hokey religion. Once you throw the prequels into the mix, this mythos is destroyed, and suddenly Han would have been alive during the clone wars, meaning his skepticism towards the Force would have made zero sense. 

Star Wars EU rarely ever touched on what happened shortly before the Empire, because that was supposed to be left up to the reader. It's the same thing with how, Wolverine's past was left to mystery for so many years. Mystery is part of what makes things cool, and a lot of times pulling back the veil ruins things.