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Goodnightmoon said:

Also is suyrprising the level of doble moral that some fans have, like 2/3 of the "defects" they find in the new ones are already there in the original trilogy, but is like cannot fucking see them, and as a consequence there are more and more memes about it


The problem with this is in the OG trilogy we didn't know how the Empire formed. All we knew was that Vader helped to hunt down and kill all the Jedi. These two were survivors because they hid. They didn't hide out of shame, or giving up. They hid, because they didn't stand a chance against Vader + The Empire. They were biding their time, until an opportunity arose for them to do something worthwhile instead of dying in vain. Luke was that opportunity. Living as hermits on backwater planets these two likely had no way of knowing there was an active rebellion until it arrived on their doorstep. 

Most importantly This meme only works if we take it in the context of the prequel movies, and not in the context of the original films.