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outlawauron said:
Xxain said:
Site needs a major overhaul. In the age of Smart phones this site feels like a flip phone (maybe early Smart phone at best). Website design has been making turns to focusing on ease of use and simplistic but stylishless. I think Reset era has a very nice site design. Another good one is Sonic Stadium forums.

Maybe that design is good for mobile use, but I absolutely loathe that and GAFs design. I don't plan to nor will I ever browse a forum from my phone.


bdbdbd said:
Xxain said:
Site needs a major overhaul. In the age of Smart phones this site feels like a flip phone (maybe early Smart phone at best). Website design has been making turns to focusing on ease of use and simplistic but stylishless. I think Reset era has a very nice site design. Another good one is Sonic Stadium forums.

The "red" and "blue" themed sites we had years ago worked very well with mobile, it was the "black" site that broke the mobile. Prior to the current site, I used to visit here multiple times a day.

Haha, guys that was analogy. I'm saying if VGChartz was a phone it would be a flip phone not a smart phone. On that topic though, this site is a hot mess on mobile devices and backwards in that regards as well. New website trend is being modular.

 VGC needs to step into the 2010's.