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Puppyroach said:
eva01beserk said:

First of is that I was not the one who made the post.

Read the post again, it says thouse points that hit regardles of gender. From what he said the gender part is no more than a thought of why is was done by the director. Just stating horrible character flaws and then why it might have been done. Again, something that if it wa a male lead they would still be problematic. 

Yes, my mistake regarding who made those points. But I was questioning what the purpose was of those points. In what way does the movie portray that Rey got her gifts because she was a woman (point 1) and in what way did the movie portray Kylo as weaker compared to Rey because he was a man (point 6)?

Kylo has had to have at least a decades worth of training to become the equal of Rey, and in some ways she's actually more powerful. Rey is no one important, as far as lineage goes, so why is she so powerful? The only real reason is she is a Mary Sue.

There's a reason people with an agenda are praising this as a feminist SW movie. Personally, I think it's demeaning to women to suggest they need a Mary Sue to represent them. And really, the series deserves better. 

NightlyPoe said: 
thismeintiel said: 

Yea, I'm sure you were expecting a dismal fall of ~70%.  The largest drop in the series and a God awful number for ANY movie, regardless of the circumstances. 

It's a bit more than I would have estimated, but I would have been pleasantly surprised if it managed a drop of under 60%.  Seriously, anyone who thinks that a $200+ million opening weekend wouldn't have a massive drop on a weekend where Sunday is Christmas Eve is woefully ignorant of the way box office works.  It's certainly no indication that there's been some massive backlash.

You seem to have taken this all personally for some reason.  Why is that?


Any fan of any series is going to take it a little personal when they think that series just got shat all over by the new caretakers of that series.

Anyway, I don't believe you. You honestly thought this was going to drop faster than Justice League's 56%? A movie poorly received by critics and fans? I call BS. 

And you are putting WAY too much importance on Sunday. Care to explain why Fri saw a 76% decline, that was a larger one than Sun saw? If you're theory about kids being in school holds up, then it shouldn't have drop so incredibly. Nor should Saturday have seen a 54% decline, compared to TFA 2nd Sat decline of 17%. TFA Xmas eve take was also almost double that of TLJ.

So, sorry. Nothing but a bunch of people no longer being interested in watching/re-watching the film accounts for that.

Stefan.De.Machtige said: 
Vincoletto said: 

Love this post too. Luke needed 3 movies to become a full powerful Jedi. He was actually a very flawed and crappy Jedi on first and second movie. The scene on the SECOND movie where he cannot move properly a crappy small rock shows it perfectly. He was capable of doing what he did because of the small knowledge he had of force and because of his friends. He just becomes a proper Jedi on the third movie. I love how on Return of the Jedi you see him powerful right on the start. You sense the evolution like "wow luke got really powerfull with time". Same with Anakin.

But Rey... well she becomes a full powerful Jedi in 5 minutes...

Can you even call Rey a Jedi?

I didn't see her care about being a Jedi at all. She wanted to know about the force, when she actually asked luke after wasting his time for like 20 minutes. She didn't even try the read their books or anything else.

Luke seemed excited about being a Jedi from the start. It was clearly a higher calling to him. I didn't see that at all from Rey.

Can you really be a Jedi with one training session from a Jedi Master? If so, then why wouldn't Kylo be a Jedi now...

We wouldn't. But, the movie certainly does. And it's Luke that actually gave her that title, no less, when his projection is wasting time with Kylo.