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Cobretti2 said:
thismeintiel said:

It amazes me that there are so many people who do not want to admit she is a Mary Sue.  It's just so obvious.  I think it is those who want so badly to love these films, and admitting that, as well as the huge plotholes in this new film (not just nitpicky one that are in every movie), they know it will hurt their love of the films.  SW deserves better than a Mary Sue.  Like I have said before, it is just so sad because Daisy Ridley is a good actress.  She actually makes you want to like Rey.  But, when you realize that she's just a Mary Sue, it's almost impossible to like her.  In this movie, because of the revelation of who her parents are, and because she only got a 5 min lesson from Luke, it drives the Mary Sue aspect even more.

I know you haven't watched the film, so I won't spoil why this happens, but she actually picks up a big pile of boulders with absolutely no effort and barely any concentration whatsoever.  Remember, this is after just a 5 min lesson from Luke, which didn't even include lifting objects.  It pisses you off even more when you think about how hard it was for Luke to do 3 smaller ones.  Or how Yoda had to concentrate hard to lift the X-Wing.  Or how even Kylo has had to have a decade or more worth's of training to be equal to Rey.

See to me reactions like this are  like a premature ejaculation. There is one movie left and being a half glass full kind of guy I hope they answer these outrageous talents she has lol. They pretty much killed off all the original trilogy main characters so this is the time to answer that question.

Wow, are you easy to please.  It's been 2 years and almost 5 hrs worth's of film across 2 films.  Expecting answers is not premature.  And don't expect any. 

Really, there is absolutely no explanation they could give for her being so powerful with absolutely not training.  Oh, wait...she got 5 whole mins of meditation training.  Yea, she should be the most powerful person in the galaxy, now. /s

numberwang said:
VGPolyglot said:

It's not going to hurt their wallet, it's making hundreds of millions of dollars.

They bought Star Wars for 4 billion $, so they should make a billion a year in profits from the brand to get into the green zone in the coming years. If the movie makes less than 500 million in pure profits it will be a disappointment.

Didn't you hear?  It's all about how much we can give to Disney.  Who cares about the quality of the product they put out.

Truthfully, Disney will still make money on this film, mostly because of a hyped up opening weekend.  But, they will be very concerned (or at least they should be) going forward when they think about how much they thought they would make.  I truly believe they thought they would only be a little down from TFA, like Avengers 2 was compared to the first one.  Maybe make $1.8B-$1.9B WW.  As it is, now, they may not even have enough to crawl to $1.5B.  I think the US is going to fall to $550M-$600M.  The other countries are going to have to do some heavy lifting to push it to $1.5B.  Which it doesn't look like they will give that much of a push.