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Birimbau said:

In short moving an embassy from a city to another won't change a thing. Jeruralem will continue being Israel capiral and any attempt by the arab sideto change it by force will result in war.

That's the thing with the palestinians, war and conflict was there before the US talked about moving their embassy which shows that no matter what happens, the palestinians only want war and nothing else.

If you keep the embassy in Tel Aviv the palestinians are like: Death to Israel, if you move it, still death to Israel, if you let them live in Gaza as is the case, it's still death to Israel, if you create buffer zone to try and protect yourself from their rocket launches it's still death to Israel, if you block them from entering in Israel, it's death to Israel and if you let them enter Israel it's suicide attacks and cries of death to Israel and so on...

How can any westerner defend those barbarians is mind boggling.