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Aeolus451 said:
StarOcean said:

As long as it's "lulz it maeks th' left maddd!!1! XDXDxD" they're okay with it. Don't forget the moment it's "God" "Jesus" or "Christ" they'd need to change their tampon

That's already been happening. They're being removed from government buildings and there's people pushing for god to be removed from anything. Theres no praying in schools. Personally, I'm not religious so I don't care about those words getting buried but the hyperbolic reaction to this shit is hilarious. The words that are mainly being targeted are terms that have some political meaning or that would trigger progressives. Trolling is a smart tactic in politics because it's not done much and it's very public. There's no take backs. If you and I were running for a senate seat, it would be fairly easy to get you to flip your shit and say something crazy that voters wouldn't like. Just tweet a funny gif or make a comment about Israel on your page. Boom, I'm in.  

And that's where you're wrong. You have to play it cool during those things. Appear level headed. Maintain it until you have the ability to nuke the country to oblivion. With no warning, it all just goes... like that. Not without a cry or whimper, there would be no time to react or respond. The country and the majority of it's citizens would be gone.