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Trust me, alot of the issues you have I have. One of my biggest issues with the 2 new movies in general is that in the time from when the Emperor was killed, in the 20 years between 6 and 7. The Galactic republic was not established well enough to then fight off a new threat?

The Empire existed because the person in control slowly took control by the will of the people, he lied and manipulated his way to power, very cleverly I might add. In these films, apparently, Leia has been part of 'the rebelion' still for 20 years, Akbar was a well. What were they Rebelling against all this time? After the defeat of the Empire and majority of it's fleet and those in charge, it would have been a case of the the individual systems to form a new government/senate. According to the first film, this happens (as they destroy it), but why wasn't Leia part of it? Why was there a rebellion still? The rebellion was against the established Dictatorship government, you can't rebel against an organisation not in power (First Order). Why didn't the other individual nations come together to try and fight this new threat that trying to kill and take over everyone?

This whole thing doesn't make sense, to me. But I guess these films aren't about the fall of the Senate, into a dictatorship to people rising up against it, like the first set of film. It's about .... I dunno.

Hmm, pie.