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Still haven't seen Last Jedi, but based on my viewings of the other 7 episodes as a Star Wars fan, I can kinda see where George is coming from in preferring a Star Wars that isn't a "rehash" of the old Star Wars movies. Don't get me wrong, the prequels were pretty bad, ESPECIALLY Episodes 1 and 2, but one of the few good things I can say about them is they at least did something different. TFA, while it was well made, felt like a "safe" reboot of Star Wars, even following many of the beats of ANH pretty consistently, and to be honest I've only seen it a couple of times and have little desire to rewatch it.

For that reason, RoTS actually was more memorable to me. Now I'll be the first to admit that part of this could be nostalgic bias getting in the way, as I was a teenager when Episode 3 came out rather than a cynical jaded adult I am now and was during Episode 7, but I still feel that something about Episode 3 just resonates more despite it having many more flaws than Episode 7.. So I'm glad to hear that Episode 8 seems to stray from the typical Star Wars formula once again. But we shall see when I watch it I guess.. What I'm hoping for with Ep 8 is something that has a large impact on me like Ep 3 and is more unique in narrative while being a deeper, better crafted movie like Ep 7 with far fewer flaws/plot holes. THAT would truly get me back into the saga.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden