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Moore was under heavy scrunity. Even if we disregard the potential sexual crimes he might have committed, he was known for:


1. Being anti science

2. Condoning homophobia

3. Calling gay people perverts

4. Opposing abortions

5. Saying best era of America was during slavery because 'we were a family'

6. Being a creationist (eww)



It seems that Alabama has finally woken up and dumped the piece of shit. Hooray! This is a cause for celebration, and everyone should be happy. Also, fuck Moore - dumbass homophibic piece of shit.


They thought they won, but no one's gonna let bigotry continue to stay active. As long as more senators rally, we'll see a stop to more people like Moore.


For now, let's hope Alabama slowly continues its increase in progressive beliefs. Their new senator won't criminalize homosexuality, and he doesn't have batshit ideas embedded in religion and bigotry. 


Good job Alabama - good job.