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I put my hands on the switch for the first time. Played the new Zelda and Mario at Walmart. I absolutely loved both games. Before playing it I honestly didn't understand why it was selling so well. Now I get it. This game has some great software. I think that's pushed sales a lot this year. I do think sales will slow down, and I don't think it will do wii numbers in the long run, but it won't do Wii U Numbers either. It's hard to put a number on how successful it will be but I'd say 55-85 million units.

Im currently an Xbox one x owner. never anticipated buying one before trying Mario/Zelda. I plan to buy one for me and my step son to share. He is 7 and struggling with reading really bad. Once he gets it down I'm going to get it for him either his birthday in summer or for next Christmas. I also want a PS4 either at next Black Friday or the following year.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.