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Snake612 said:

I want to know why is there so much heat between the ps3 and the 360. Their both equally great systems. Why do both companies hate each other and why is microsoft trying so hard to put playstation out of the gaming industry for good? That's the question that's been on my mind through this whole generation.

That's great fodder for flames.

Anyhow, I think a lot has to do with the past generation. The PS2 thumped the latecomer, Xbox, into a virtual coma. This generation, though, Sony fans are shocked their console is a distant 3rd, that MS is solidly in second and a cheap Nintendo console is selling like hotcakes. It's just hard for folks to accept, even with MS and the RROD drama.

Another thing that really creates anger is the lack of PS3 exclusives or the defection of Sony exclusives to the 360. Folks are quick to say 'But that's a Sony franchise - GTA owes Sony for their success!' when games went to the 360 first OR to the 360 only or a timed exclusive. The 360 had the userbase and it's all about getting paid in the end. The 360 proves games can sell. And developers could give a flip about the superior console - they want to make the most money possible.