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Soleron said:
kingofwale said:

Heck, we aren't even ready to make Hydrogen cell commercial in cars, I will wait and see.

Hydrogen fuel cells don't make energy. It takes as much energy to get the hydrogen from the water as it does to burn it and form water (otherwise the conservation of energy would be violated).


Yeah, that doesn't exist. Deuterium does (Hydrogen with 1p and 1n), as does Tritium (Hydrogen with 1p and 2n).

"We should just use a solar array like in Mobile Suit Gundam 00"

Unreliable and requires very, very large areas of land to generate enough energy to match a conventional power station.

It would take just about as long to create a fully 100% working Nuclear Fusion Reactor as it would setting up a solar array around the world like in MSG00. In the end at least there would be no negative environmental effects from the energy or plants, just a ton of land used.

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