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starcraft said:
tombi123 said:
starcraft said:
The term "video game console" is used to distinguish a machine designed for consumers to buy and use solely for playing video games from a personal computer, which has many other functions, or arcade machines, which are designed for businesses that buy and then charge others to play.

Well if you're going to be that pedantic then none of the current consoles on the market (360, PS3, Wii) are video game consoles. I can surf the web on my PS3 and Wii, I can play Blu ray and DVD's on my PS3, you can download films from xbox live. None of them are solely for gaming.

Actually in my country, there is no film downloads avaliable.

Can your PS3 do word processing, video altering, MS paint etc? 


 No, but that is irrelevant. All three can be used for things that have nothing to with gaming, so by the definition you gave above, none of them are video game consoles. 

I prefer Dtewi's definition: An interactive electronic device that has the ability to play video games.

PS3, 360, Wii and PC are all video game consoles by that definition.