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Intrinsic said:
Teeqoz said:

Sure. Sony couldn't launch globally with the PS2 because their manufacturing capabilities were limited. This in turn meant that the PS2 was only available in Japan for its first 9 months, which in turn is the reason why the PS4 is ahead. Does that change anything of what I've said? Or what Shadow has said for that matter?

Sigh..... ok. I'll try this one more time. I'll use bullet points.


  • Sony launched PS2  in Japan in March 2000 and then everywhere else in December 2000.
  • in the 9 months between territory launches they only managed to make and ship 3M+ consoles. 
  • for their global launch they added another 3M consoles to the fray (and funny enough cut shipments to Japan)
  • This means that even if they launched globally, in that 9 month period. They would have still only shipped ~6M consoles. 
Get it now? this whole launch aligning thing permeates the assumption that they could have sold more or had more if they launched globally. but they were selling at capacity. if they launched the PS2 globally they would have just had a really messed up stock situation for over 1 year. 
if comparing consoles. this is the why should be made from the first shipment of that console. Regardless of launch territories. cause these launches are always stock limited. 
in early 2000s companies could really only afford to have about 1M console available for launch.  Today they can have around 2-3M. Which is why they can attempt a global launch these days. 
another way to look at this that totally pisses over this whole launch aligning thing? say you are Sony. you manufacture and sells PlayStations. A shipped consoles is a shipped console. and they are shipping as much as they can make. which markets they get into or when is a case of logistics. And at the end of the day, nowhere are you going to see a docket from Sony describing total PS2 shipments and in it they will say anything about launch aligned. they will just call it shipments. period. 

I don't get why you're saying this because I've never claimed otherwise. Heck, it's right there in the post you quoted - "Sony couldn't launch globally with the PS2 because their manufacturing capalities were limited. This in turn meant that the PS2 was only available in Japan for its first 9 months, which in turn is the reason the PS4 is ahead."

You are literally just repeating the point I said in my post, while somehow making it out like my post is wrong. I find it a bit baffling really.

The whole launches aligned thing shows that the PS2 sold a loooot faster in Japan, quite a bit faster in the US, and a little bit slower in Europe and the rest of the world. Due to the different manufacturing situation back then (which, again, is the reason thath the PS4 was only available in Japan in the start, as we both agree on), it's a little quirk of statistics that the PS4 is ahead when you align the first date of availability, yet behind in the individual markets.

Last edited by Teeqoz - on 08 December 2017