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tuoyo said:
wfz said:
Retrasado said:
tuoyo said:
Big time fanboyism. I have said it several times already. Also I find that for example in football if a team I dislike is likely to win a game I never say it out loud for fear it would come true if . Many of the HD console fan voters deep down knew one of those Nintendo games was going to come out top but their hatred of Wii prevented them voting for what they believed for fear it would happen if they voted that way.

lolz stupid nintendo fanboy....

seriously man, I voted for 360 GTA because I thought it would sell more than it ended up doing, not because I hate the Wii. ...and you call other people fanboys...

While that might not have been the safest statement for him to make, please note that he did not say "all" HD console fans, he said many. Just because you don't fit into that category, doesn't make his statement false. Also, there was hardly a need to be so aggressive towards him. A little angry are we?


Wow you don't know the difference between many and all and you call someone stupid. Incredible!!!


 First of all, I never called you stupid. Secondly, ....what? 


Oh right, troll. I should have realized it with your first post.