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ZenfoldorVGI said:
MGS4 is great, but imo(and I've only played a little bit of it) I think there is no way a sequel could be as good as MGS1 in story or boss battles. It's like asking if Twilight Princess is better than OOT. It is, in a way, but the real answer is "no."

That doesn't mean it isn't perfect though. Just less perfect than the original game.

Ahh, so the best Zelda game by that definition, is The Legend of Zelda. OoT is a sequel, and sequels can never be as good as the original.

Sorry, I don't agree with that logic. System Shock 2 was better then 1. Civ 4 was the best Civ. GTA4 is the best GTA, and MGS4 is the best MGS (imo).

This game is so far, just outstanding in every way. The thing that I like the best, is it's worlds ahead of any other MGS game in game mechanics.

The environments rival (or surpass in many ways) Uncharted. The game has good (not the best) voice acting, and the story os great.