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It's a shame how he has received no attention for the sexual harassment committed towards him. While others gain media spotlight, his story was brushed to the side. In all honesty, I believe people are not taking his story seriously due to him being a black male.


If we want to truly end the sexual harassment taking place in the toxic atmosphere of Hollywood, then women shouldn't be the only ones given attention.


"In February of last year, Crews and his wife attended a party at the home of Adam Sandler in the Hollywood Hills. There, he met Adam Venit, an industry power player who was Sandler’s agent and the head of the motion picture division at mega-agency William Morris Endeavor. “He’s connected to probably everyone I know in the business,” Crews said about the agent, who represents not only Sandler, but Oscar winners Emma Stone, Diane Keaton, Eddie Murphy and many others. “I did not know this man. I have never had a conversation with him, ever. … The first time I ever had an interaction with him was at this event.”

Crews said Venit stared at him from a distance and stuck out his tongue in an “overtly sexual” manner before approaching him. “I stick my hand out and he literally takes his hand and puts it, squeezes my genitals,” he recalled. “And I jump back like, ‘Hey, hey!’ … I go, ‘Dude, what are you doing?'” It didn’t stop there. “And then he comes back again and he just won’t stop,” Crews recalled on GMA. “I have never felt more emasculated, more objectified. I was horrified. I went over to Adam [Sandler] right then and there and said, ‘Man, come get your boy. What is his problem?'”

Crews says for a split second he considered fighting Venit, but held himself back: “‘240 lbs. Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho’ would be the headline the next day,” he wrote. “Only I probably wouldn’t have been able to read it because I WOULD HAVE BEEN IN JAIL. So we left.” "


This is simply awful, and I believe Crews' story should definitely be talked about more. I condemn all sexual harassment, but I've always believed sexual harassment of any kind towards males has always been degraded (and almost turned into a joke). Hopefully Terry Crews goes back to rallying to raise awareness and support.


There's no benefit in pointing fingers and making this political. It's 2017, and I think Crews is perfectly capable in making his story heard more and letting people know sexual harassment towards men is as awful as harassment towards women. Him and the other men and women need to continue to prove that Hollywood is a shithole that must be exposed.