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Slimebeast said:
Pristine20 said:

Yeah but dead rising sucks wheile LO is an awesome heavily budgeted game! This explains why M$ is wasting its money securing JRPG "exclusives" when more cheap "dead risings" could easily beat SO3's sales on the PS2. Remember, M$ and sony make money on software not hardware.

Dead Rising is an awesome game and brought something new to the genre with it's sandbox gameplay. 85% on Gamerankings. It's Capcom and got good hype and marketing. (BTW, I'm sure MS will continue to secure exclusive "dead risings" and whatever genre you name, in the future)

LO I'm sure is a good JRPG but it had it's issues and didn't get those great reviews (79%). Also wasn't highly advertized, and got a delayed release in the west. Despite all of this it sold 750,000 copies.

SO4 will be a better game, will get a WW simultaneous release, better marketing, and by the time it's released release X360 fans are used to and have embraced JRPGs = huge success.

The X360 is the RPG-king.

SO4 can probably be rated atleast 85% on Gamerankings if the game improves on SO3 enough.  It will probably sell well in America since 360 owners will probably used to having JRPGs on the system by the time it comes out.