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xl-klaudkil said:
UltimateGamer1982 said:

Think he’s referring to who wins Black Friday here in the US. Although I don’t remember anyone claiming a victor already. All three are selling very well. 

Then you maybe  should  go back and read, many where claiming  switch  already  won and even some said xbox, even going  as far to say switch > xbox> ps4.


But i have to agree i did laugh a little. 


Also holy damn, woke up( its monday 06:32 here) and ps4 didn't budge and neither  did horizon!

We’re they claiming a winner or guessing? I was predicting switch or Xbox for first but Im not 100% claiming it as fact. Not yet anyway. Like I said, all three are doing great. I’m still predicting ps4 in last however. Not sure about who wins. Most likely comes down between switch and Xbox. I’ll be very shocked if ps4 manages the win. Again I’m not claiming I’m right, it’s just a feeling I have.