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Pristine20 said:
Riachu said:
Pristine20 said:
starcraft said:
Pristine20 said:

Its great for microsoft? Thats debatable. If you speak through economics, M$ may actually be losing money by acquiring all these JRPG exclusives and timed exclusives. LO is the best JRPG this gen hands down, it even gives some FFs a run for their mone. hell, its made by Sakaguchi himself. yet, it hasn't even sold a million copies yet despite the big budget and advertisin thats sad. M$ is lucky that they have the world's richest shareholder behind them because otherwise, they couldn't afford to keep this up.

It is bad for Sony? In the short term and for the impatient probably. However, insulting Sony for not fighting back is blindness to economics because they have to make profits first before buying exclusives that are not guaranteed to provide any boosts whatsoever. Also, timed exclusives especially in a genre like JRPGs are likely to be superior on their second release. Kind of like how FFX was released late in EU and they complained but ended up getting the vastly superior international version. P3:fes vs P3, etc Looks like the PS3 would be getting these extended version this time perhaps for a cheaper price too.

Over 700,000 people have now purchased Lost Odyssey. Shipments would be approaching 1 million. Now make it a well-known franchise from a company like Square Enix thats making its first foray into the next generation and all of a sudden SO4 being profitable in its own right (not including extra console sales Microsoft could get because of it) looks very possible.


Extra console sales? If Halo 3 didn't do it and Gears of War 2 doesn't do it, SO4 won't come close to doing anything so it sounds like a waste of money for a game that would have been multiplat anyway.

SO4 is not developed by S-E. Those familiar with JRPGs would know that there's a huge difference b/w games just published by S-E and games actually developed by S-E. That said, many people would probably buy the game just from reading S-E on the case (I don't know about new systems though) but the well informed would realize that S-E doesn't hold as much weight as Square did in the PSone days. Back then, I couldn't name any of their games that wasn't a classic. In fact, the only PS1 games I still have are all developed by square.

From your posts though, you sound like you have just been disappointed with sony this time aroud so you switched. However, there are many who are too invested in the PS brand to switch (myself included). I find it difficult to even play with a non-dualshock controller lol.

That's because when those games came out.  Shooter fans already had a 360 so I am not seeing your point.


Yes but while shooter fans should be proud to own a 360 (because Halo would be considered the ultimate shooter by most). Patient JRPG fans who are not rich would probably stick with the PS3 because FF would be the ultimate JRPG under the same terms. Also, if you are a true JRPG fan (not just an S-E) fan, chances are ther are tons and tons of PS2 and PS classics that you haven't played even some by S-E itself that weren't as hyped. That alone is more than enough to curb the wait and thats also why I stressed the importance of BC for the Playstation brand.

 That's why I'm glad my parents found a 60GB. Most if not all of the JRPGs I've played have been from SE/Tri-Ace...or the people that made Disagea(sp?). I'm wanting to buy a 360 because of this, but honestly, I'm too poor. It's going to be a while before I can afford one...and I'm kind of shooting for the yeah.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus