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eliasg said:
why PS3 fanboys always get mad about 360 exclusive games??
  Who wants to deal with RRoD just so they can play a couple great JRPGs?  The PS3 has a better exclusive lineup (IMO.. this is always a personal statement), and the 360 is unreliable, in addition to charging for online.  No one wants the exclusives to be split if they are into genres (rather than platforms), like many folks are into JRPGs.  I would prefer that one console gets all the good stuff, and as a triple-owner... I prefer the PS3, honestly.  It just feels better than the others... its a more likable toy in my livingroom, than the overheated junker I am constantly worried about sending back for RRoD repairs.  The Wii would rock too... if only there were any games besides Zelda and SMG that I actually would play on it.