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Pristine20 said:
starcraft said:
eliasg said:
why PS3 fanboys always get mad about 360 exclusive games???
When they bought their system, many of them believed the console would dominate sales and by extension game's libraries like its predecessor did. Now that that hasn't happened, its obviously annoying to have paid so much for a console that, whilst very viable, is far from dominant and is losing many exclusives, particularly in the JRPG genre.


I don't know about that one because all the people I know who bought PS3s including myself did so for reason #1:Backwards compatibility. I've finished Parasite Eve 2 21 times and I still play it every now and then. I wouldn't want a system thats unable to play my old library of classics along with a couple nex-gen releases. There you have it.

Thats also why I can't understand why the PS3 80gb won't stay on store shelves. my cousin's been trying to get one but it is sold out again

Also, since you admit that many people bought the PS3 because of JRPGs, you also have to admit that any JRPG release on both PS3 and 360 would sell better on PS3 hands down. Kind of like how any FPS released on both systems would sell better on 360 even if the console userbases were equal.

You shouldn't sterotype what genre PS3 and 360 owners prefer.  Lost Odyssey sold 700K on the 360.  Haze would have done better if it wasn't for the fact that the game was a huge disappointment.