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StarDoor said: 

Ok, I know my comment is long but considering you randomly called me a hypocrite for no reason, I feel it's justified. Plus, reading long comments does not take long, at least nowhere near as long as writing them I read my comment in about 4 minutes, not too bad.

First of all, when I said that Sonic Mania was better than Mario Odyssey by an "incredibly large" margin, that was not mocking someone's opinion. It was simply comparing one platformer to another, and I did this because Odyssey is the most beloved platformer this year. So the purposes was to draw an extreme(Sonic Mania being THAT good) to show the huge disparity in quality between Mania and it's 3D counter-part. Nothing malicious about that, in fact you can literally read the thread you just linked and see that there was nothing malicious. Like ... wut ... how did you even draw that conclusion? Unless you're saying that saying something is overrated is automatically disrespectful to other people's opinions ...

Secondly, your entire viewpoint falls apart when you realize that overrated is not used in a purely objective context. Believe me, as someone who  thinks about the same completely fucking random ideas over, and over, and over again, I have had plenty of time to think about the word "overrated". I can understand how from your viewpoint you think overrated is a purely objective. "How can something be overrated, if there is no objective standard for something to be compared to? How can other people be giving too much credit to a game, if it's all just opinions?"

And the answer is simple : Saying something is overrated is also an opinion. I never claimed that Odyssey is objectively overrated, I've always known i'm more critical than most people and that doesn't make my viewpoint anymore credible than that of other people's. Odyssey is not overrated by default, I simply think, in my opinion, that people think of it too highly. But I don't go around saying that's a fact, or saying that their opinions are wrong about Odyssey. It's like an argument, just because you argue the quality of a show is higher than another person thinks it is, doesn't inherently mean you think their opinion is objectively wrong. You just have that opinion, and you're trying to convince them of it. That being said, I don't think I've ever even argued with people (yet) about how good Super Mario Odyssey is. Up to this point I've just stated my opinion and maybe defended it(?) when others have slammed it. I do this because I don't want to come off like too much of an asshole, and also my opinions can change all the time. 

In general, the word overrated isn't the best one. I like to think of it as a necessary evil. It's a quick and easy way to describe your feelings on a game, even if it's not the most in-depth. It should be obvious to you that when I say Odyssey is overrated, i'm saying it from a personal perspective and not an objective one. Because ... i'm saying it ... so of course it's my opinion? It's like, one time Mzuzek was arguing with another user, and he said that user should have just stated it was his opinion the whole time instead of saying something like it's a fact. Then Spemanig came out of nowhere and, to paraphrase said "What x user was doing Mzuzek was respecting your intelligence enough to assume that you'd know it's his opinion. Of course it's his opinion, he's the one stating it, he shouldn't have to say it beforehand". God bless. 

I've even went out of my way not too talk about, or expand on my opinion  too much. For instance I asked what Veknoid_Outcast's opinion on Odyssey was, and he gave me an answer filled with glowing praise. I asked when his review was out, he said most likely tomorrow. I am excited for his review specifically because it's coming from a Veknoid_Outcast perspective. It's a different viewpoint, and that's exciting. I've gone out of my way not to directly talk to him about my opinion, exactly because I want to see his perspective. You might not think this is related, but usually when people think something is objectively true they go out of their way to slam it down people's throats. 

Your conclusion should have been that, from my perspective, something being overrated isn't an absolute. Because no opinion is. Had you formed that logical conclusion, nothing I said would have been hypocritical, yet you interpreted it in an overly negative way by automatically assuming it was coming from a place of hypocrisy. It's so odd(ysey) because you make great, well thought-out comments, yet you didn't think about this simple possibility. It's like when you out of nowhere accused me of being a hypocrite for thinking a new 2D Mario game would only sell around 7 million, and when I asked why, you linked me to a comment where ... I said I preferred 2D sonic .... The conclusion was so comical that I didn't know if you were being serious. And if you weren't, fair enough, but that's basically the same thing you are doing now.  I've had people tell me with a straight internet face that I "must hate The Last of Us" because it's "objectively an 8" and I said it was an 8/10 on my scale. Reasons like this are why I constantly talk about objectivity being a bad idea for game reviews. It's an opinion I hold, and I wish that instead of just instantly doubting me you would have thought about another possible perspective.

...Okay, i'll move on from the term "overrated". About your last point, it's so insane how you interpreted my comment, that I honestly don't know how you thought that was even my point. So, from what I gather, you think this : I don't take Nintendolife seriously because Alex scoffed at someone thinking Mario Odyssey was overrated, meaning that he thinks the game isn't overrated, and therefore I don't take him seriously for having a different opinion. This is so off base, that if this is honestly what you gathered from my comment, then I can see why you probably face palmed instantly. That would be a complete contradiction in one sentence : Saying that you don't take a person seriously for not taking someone else's opinion seriously, then saying you don't take the person seriously because they have a different opinion than you. That's not what I'm saying, at all. I'm saying the fact that Alex didn't respect that persons opinion, or at least entertain the idea, or at least think for a moment about this perspective before coming off as arrogant, is why I don't respect his opinion. Scoffing at someone for having a different opinion about a game is ridiculous, and it's something I try not to do, although I'm sure you'll go back a million posts and try to find one example. It's the internet, people are bound to say shit they don't agree with sometimes. Still, I'd expect him to have a bit more consistency than a random kid like me on the internet. I also don't hate Nintendo Life though, honestly my original comment was exaggerated, I'll probably forget about the Alex thing in three months anyways lol, but it does set a precedence for me trusting them a little less.

I respect your comments because they're well thought-out, I also like that someone is making sure that my viewpoints are in check. I'm sure if you looked through all my comments you could find something I contradicted myself on, I specifically remember being a huge shitlord when I first joined this site, and even when I came back to it around July and a few months after that. But at least in the examples you used, I  don't agree at all. I respect the basic idea of checking to make sure people aren't being hypocrites, but in your case you almost seem to do it maliciously. I was willing to think you were doing it out of good will, you know just to correct me, until the very end of the comment. Where you try to make a mockery of me by showing that my satire somehow exposes an ugly truth about myself. You write scathing comments like these out of nowhere, entering a thread and making an accusation without any merit. You write them in the basic style of "Wow, do you really not see how hypocritical you are?" But you do it in such a way that you don't explain the hypocrisy, or give an explanation, you just leave the reply hanging there, as if the person should understand what you mean right away or else they're stupid. I appreciated it when you called me out for saying that Nintendo art styles looked the same, because obviously I didn't believe that and I was being too defensive after my thread which was supposed to be harmless went to shit. Now, though? You're just writing scathing comments for no reason.

And i'm just going to bite this in the butt since you've now made too comments about my "bias" against Mario or whatever : I didn't like Sonic or Mario(mainline games - Kart and party  are great) as a kid, I can't judge 2D Mario fully which is why I always tell people to take my opinion on it with a grain of salt. I love 3D World quite a bit, it's about the same in terms of quality as Sonic Mania. I've never played a Sonic game proper in full until Mania, I have almost no experience with Sonic, I just really love Mania. I just thought there were things about Odyssey that were disappointing.   I don't really have an opinion on either franchise as a whole, but Mario is more consistent from what I've played.

Geesh, didn't know a simple comment would get such an argument going