Is not that impressive the fact that Switch is at #4.
What really is crazy, is that is not #4 because there are the usual 3 PS chards head of it, but there are 3 huge titles like Mario and Pokémon.
What is really crazy, is how Switch is above ALL freaking PS cards, and to be fair, is not any less impressive how both version of Pokémon AND Mario are above Switch, which is above the PS cards.
...What the heck man, this is insane.
November is gonna be ABSURD for Nintendo lmao.
EDIT: ALSO, there is another SKUs which is under only 2 PS cards. In other words, if this was a "normal month", the rank would be:
#1 NSW Neon
#2 PS Card 19.99$
#3 PS Card 9.99$
#4 NSW Grey
#5 PS Card 60$