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Actually, cutting the 360's price in half would cripple Microsoft more than Sony. A lot of you seem to think that Microsoft is still made of money, and that it can simply buy its way to victory in whatever field it chooses to enter. This is no longer the case. It is true that Microsoft Corporation, as a whole, has a war chest of $28 billion, which is a damned impressive figure. The thing is, it had over $60 billion only two years ago.

It's losing the search market engine sector to Google, its mobile hardware is being crushed by Apple and other manufacturers, its gaming division has yet to turn a profit (assuming you don't buy the accounting sleight-of-hand they pulled off last year to make future quarters look profitable on paper), and even its bread-and-butter, Windows, isn't growing.

Sorry folks, but as much as some of you want Microsoft to cut its prices and outsell Sony so that you can crow about it on internet forums, it appears that Microsoft is much more concerned with being profitable, and this proposed price cut wouldn't help with that. We might see a small price cut this year, but the odds on that are only even.