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Darc Requiem said:
Riachu said:
Darc Requiem said:
Pristine20 said:
starcraft said:
Score for the 360. This will probably be one of the best JRPG's of the generation, and I reckon the 360 will have it exclusively for at least a year, if not indefinitely.

Why is SO4 going to be one of the best JRPGs this generation? Is it because SO3 was one of the best last generation (because it wasn't in the top fifteen; I have played tons of JRPGs so I know what I'm talking about) or because SO4 is "exclusive" to the 360 lol

Here comes the classic PS fanboy logic. As soon as a game gets announced as exclusive for 360, suddenly it isn't that good anymore. 6 to 12 months after the 360 version releases and SE announces the game for PS3 suddenly the game will be good again. How many times have we been through this already?

Pristine20 really did not like SO3 and that is why he has low hopes for SO4. I am just hoping for the best for this game.


Well if thats the case, I owe Pristine an apology. I'm just sick tired of PS3 fanboys fawning over a game and a soon as the game isn't on their console suddenly its bad.


I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. The same thing happened when DQIX was announced on the DS and MH3 was announced for the Wii