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When the PS3 gets real traction from a real system seller in Japan like FFXIII this will change and Star Ocean will hit PS3 just like the last 2 star oceans hit PS systems. Square is hedging its bets because it isn't sure Sony will be the winner this generation. Once the PS3 shows it's the HD console of choice (probably by the end of the fiscal year in March) that will change.

Also star ocean is a lot different from FFXIII with much simpler graphics and more action based gameplay. There is almost no way to make FFXIII without the blu ray capacity, on the other hand star ocean could easily fit onto 3 or 4 discs. I still bet you its timed exclusive at most especially since star ocean won't make the 360 a success in Japan. The only thing that will make the 360 a success in Japan is Nintendo and Sony leaving the console business abruptly Sega style.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me