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Lifetime totals are fairly close between VGC and NPD

Left is VGC scaled down to USA, right is NPD.

Wii Play: 5.6M- 5.7M
Brawl: 3.3M - 3.2M
GHIII Wii - 2M - 2.2M
MKWii - 2.0 - 1.9
GTA 360 - 3.3 - 2.7
GTA Ps3 - 1.7M - 1.4M

So % wise, it's like this:

They have Wii Play 1.7% higher than us, so that's awesome.
We have Brawl 3.1% higher than them.
They have GHIII Wii 10% higher than us.
We have MKWii 5.2% higher than them
We have GTA IV 360 22% higher than them.
We have GTA IV Ps3 21.5% higher than them.

It appears GTA is the only different one, as for GH it could be a 5% undertrack by us and a 4% overtrack by them (or alike that) which really cannot be considered big.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS