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setsunatenshi said:
EricHiggin said:

There is a fantastic video of Kimmel on Letterman, talking about how the late night host gig was a lot different than he really thought, and how much BS and lying there is. They both have a laugh, but Kimmel doesn't laugh as much, then seriously repeats himself. While they were 'joking', they weren't really joking.

Not all of the left are so clueless or crazy, some are really good intelligent people, but the more extreme left are the one's who get the air time to try and "spread the good word". Most of the extreme left, are the one's who are paid really well for what they do, and know that if they don't continue down that extreme left path, they will be tossed aside like the center left, and the right. The media does a very good job of making it clear how poor the right is and how hard they have to work for that little bit of the pie, so most lefties won't risk losing their job knowing where they may end up otherwise. Who really wants to do their fair share when you can make other people do most of the hard work? Some of my friends are like this, and it makes them harder to like now.

The biggest problems the big shots on the left didn't account for, were Trump, and the fact that enough of the right are in such a bad spot, that their attitude literally has gotten to the point that they just don't care. Michael Moore said it best, that the center left, and right, feels so left out, so forgotten, and are so screwed, that they were more than willing to vote for Trump, even if he destroyed American politics completely and brought the entire system down. In a situation like that, money no longer matters, because the right has most of the food, and most of the guns, so no wonder why they voted like they did. The Hunger Games movies are an extreme example of this.

I wouldn't say the left went all out, but they pushed really hard, broke some rules, and are finally realizing it's too late and it's time to give up or regroup. The republicans are going to win in 2020, no matter who runs, the extreme left has assured that. The next shot the left has is 2024, so they have a long time to think about what they want to do, but by then, things in America will have become more conservative again, so the democrats will have to rethink their politics in a big way. I for one, really hope they can end up much closer to center, where they really need to be, because that's where the best of them reside. Too much right for too long, isn't necessarily a good thing either.

As for the 'conspiracy' stuff, some of it could very well be legit based on the evidence, but some of it could also be blowing things out of proportion. That doesn't change the fact that while politics has always been about power, business now plays too much of a role and can easily manipulate the people using their money, and use the influence of the famous people they pay to do their bidding on the side. House of Cards may be an extreme example, but it gives you a good idea how politics has fundamentally changed, and it hasn't been about helping the people for quite some time now, but spoon feeding as many as possible instead, using as little money as possible to do so.

The far left, as well as the far right, being portrayed as they are by the media in an extreme way, is part of the underlying reason for some of these violent attacks. Pushing easily convincable, or flat out crazy people, over the edge, hurting innocent people. It's probably not the only factor, but one that could be fixed quite easily, if there wasn't such a battle for money and power, especially when it's supposed to be about "we the people".

you guys need to be on some serious medication. please seek help o.0

Seeing this extreme left boogeyman bullshit always gives me headaches. How can anyone write that out seriously 😂